- 1988 -
Aerosuds car show (1st time I ever entered a show
- DNP - Did
not place!)
- Golden,
- 1988 -
Aerosuds car show
- 1988 -
Aerosuds car show
- 1988 -
Aerosuds car show after show pic
- 1988 - A
Day in Haven at Jim's Burger Haven, our frist
club car show
- 1988 -
Traveled to my old town with a couple of club
- 1988 -
Worland Show
- 1988 -
First major show, the Tri-State Auto show, did
not place
- 1988 - Tri-State
Auto show
- 1988 - Tri-State
Auto show
- 1988 -
Front page of the Denver Post, Where's Tilted?
- 1989 -
Aerosuds show #2
- 1989 -
Heritage Square, Golden, CO DId not place
- 1989 -
Heritage Square
- 1989 -
Heritage Square
- 1989 -
Heritage Square
- 1989 -
Mini Truck and Bug run to Estes Park, CO
- 1989 -
Mini Truck and Bug run to Estes Park, CO

- 1989 -
After the Rush car show
- 2nd place
- 1st show
with the V-6
- Lakewood,

- 1989 -
After the Rush car show

- 1989 -
After the Rush car show
- 1989 -
After the Rush show
- Bent 2
rods and spun a bearing, had to be trailered home
- (disgusted,
the truck sat in the garage for 9
- months
before getting a new motor)
- 1989 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1st place
- Currigan
Hall, Denver, the Nissan is my friend Doug's
- 1989 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1989 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1989-
Denver World of Wheels
- 1990 - Big
City Lights show on West Colfax. Won Best Motor
- 1990 - Big
City Lights
- 1990 -
Tiffany Plaza car show, sponsored by KBPI radio
- 1991 -
Denver Post ad for the show
- 1990 -
Lined up in staging lanes for Mile High Nationals
Finals parade (picked my truck at the Tiffany
Plaza show)
- Bandimere
- 1990 -
Super Chevy

- 1990 -
Super Chevy
- 1990 -
Super Chevy
- 1990 -
Super Chevy
- 1990 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1990 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1990 -
Denver World of Wheels, 1st Place, My biggest
trophy to date. Currigan Hall, Denver
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show put on by our club, my
truck was non comp
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Tiffany Plaza car show
- 1991 -
Thunder Mountain Truck Fest
- 1st place
- Bandimere
- 1991 -
Super Chevy Show
- 1st place
- Bandimere
- 1991 -
Super Chevy Show
- 1991 -
Super Chevy Show
- Me, my
friend Roger and my brother Scott
- 1992 -
Thunder Mtn Truck Fest
- 1st place
- Bandimere
- 1992 -
TMTF awards presentation, pic eneded up in Sport
Truck magazine!!
- 1992 -
Super Chevy Show
- 1st place
- Bandimere
- 1993 -
Rocky Mtn Truckfest, First place, pic in front of
Bigfoot and Snakebite
- 1993 - On
the way back from Super Chevy in Topkea, didnt
make it
- 1993 - Got
chased back to Colorado due to tornados, rain and
- 1994 - Tri-State
Auto show, runner up
- 1994
- 1996 -
Thunder Mtn Truck Fest
- Runner-up
- Bandimere
- 1996 -
Thunder Mtn Truck Fest
- 1997 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1st place
- Denver
Convention Center
- 1997 -
Denver World of Wheel
- 1997 -
Denver World of Wheels
- 1997 -
Denver World of Wheels
- Eerily
similar picture --------->
- 1998 -
- Denver
World of Wheels
- Runner-up
- (Last show
before retiring)
- Denver
Convention Center
- 1998 -Denver
World of Wheels

- Visit
- Luvtruck .com
- Trophy

- Visit
- Luvtruck .com
- Trophy